Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!

Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!
We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The birth of our Lucy Lynne Marie

The birth of our little baby began on Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30pm. Daniel and I decided that another day had passed and no signs of labor so we went to a movie. Well the movie was over and we were on our way home when I suddenly had a contraction. Jokingly I said to Daniel, "Hey maybe well have a baby after all." He was like,"Oh yeah? Did you have a contraction." "One," I replied, "but it was the worst one yet." Then all of a sudden I felt it, my water had broke. "Uh, my water just broke!" I calmly said to Daniel. "Nu-uh." he replied. "No seriously." "Well do I need to go to the hospital?" "No lets go home I have to change my pants!" So we went home and I decided since the contractions hadn't started yet to fix my hair and look presentable before labor started in full gear.
We arrived at the hospital and the contractions had started, but they were bearable. They cleared a room out for us and we checked in and settled in for a word from our doctor. We had to wait until they knew for sure that it was my water that had broken and that we would be staying until we had our baby. When they knew that it was my water they checked me and I hadn't changed since my last appointment and I was still only 1.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced. He told me that I would probably be laboring for the next 24 hours. Then the contractions kicked in HARD. On top of the contractions I also had terrible back labor. For the next few hours I labored naturally, but when the Jacuzzi didn't even begin to take an edge off I asked if I could have my epidural so that I could sleep. When he came back in to check I was fully effaced and 5cm. I received my epidural at 1:30am and we slept for a few hours. Then at about 7 am September 24th he came back in and I was at 9 cm and she had turned and we were almost ready to push. Two hours passed and it was time to push. He told me that it would take an hour to two hours of pushing and our little one would be here. Well two hours of pushing had passed and there was still no sign that our little one was even close to arriving. He told us that we needed to try some pitocin to help the contractions be more productive and if she still didn't descend that we would need to have a c-section. Now for those who knew my plan I had plan for an all natural birth, with the very last option being a c-section, so I was determined to get her out! Alas, another hour and a half had passed and she was stuck on the pelvic bone and she couldn't work her way around it. So I was wheeled back to surgery and at 1:07pm Lucy Lynne Marie Polehn took her first breath of life. She was 7lb 12oz and a tall 21 in. The perfect size. After her quick introduction, Daniel followed her to the nursery, while I was being fixed up and shortly after, I was reunited with my new love. She is the most perfect little thing I have ever seen and I can't believe how hard I have fallen in love. She quickly learned how to feed and is doing amazing! We are so in love!