Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!

Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!
We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have

Monday, May 21, 2012

Keeping up!

I really should write more blogs. I mean after all its a great way to "journal" for my family. If I tried to go back and fill you in over the last 20 months I think you and I would both be bored. So I will write about whats happening tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a very exciting day for our family. We (cross our fingers) get to find out if our new baby is a he or a she! I think I am way more nervous this time around then I was with Lucy. For some reason I just knew Lucy was a girl, I just was waiting for someone to say, "Oh your right! Its a girl!" With this baby I go back and forth, back and forth! I really wouldn't place any bets either way! If I was being honest though, I would kind of like another girl. I know most people want one of each, but I would be perfectly happy with two sweet girls. If this baby is a boy though I will be just as happy, but I think that it will be a new journey that's for sure! So lets cross our fingers that our baby doesn't cross its legs tomorrow! Night!