Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!

Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!
We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ruby Jewel Polehn

It's been almost 3 months since our second daughter arrived in this world. October 11, 2012 at 8:56 pm. My children will never do things the way that people tell them and quite frankly I am not surprised. I mean if you know Daniel and myself than you know its in their genetics to question and do things on their own terms. This proved to be true once again with Ruby. We thought that Ruby's birth would be uneventful and scheduled, but she had her own idea. Since her sister, Lucy, was born via c-section I was a repeat scheduled c-section with Ruby. I was scheduled to come in at 6 am on 10/12/12 to be prepped for delivery at 8 am. Since I had experienced a c-section I knew what to expect and figured that it might even be less of a hardship since I wouldn't be laboring for 18 hours before. So on 10/11/12, the day before she was told she would arrive, we decided to have one last day as a family of three. We took Lucy to Momma janes for pancakes and then to Shriners farm across the river to look at the animals and then brought her back and put her down for her nap. Now a word of warning this next sentence may not be appropriate for readers under 16. Daniel and I then decided to have one last "alone time." Well about 15 minutes later my back really started hurting, but I kept cleaning and getting the house spik and span. You know, the last bit of nesting. This started around 3 and I kept telling Daniel that I was pretty sure I was in labor, but I wasn't really sure what to do because I knew I wasn't supposed to progress too far. Around 5 my momma came over to talk about when Lucy was coming over the next morning and I told her that I was having constant back pain, but nothing too painful. She told me that I needed to call the nurse because she was certain that I was in labor. So we called and she instructed us to go to the hospital and at least see if I was contracting and to be checked. We arrived at 6:30 and I went into my room and was hooked up. Sure enough I was contracting every 2 to 3 minutes. Unfortunately my doctor wasn't the doctor on call until the next morning so I really wanted to wait it out. Well after an hour I was still contracting 2 to 3 minutes and she told us she was going to check me and if I was 3 cm or more that they would need to get me back to surgery. She checked me and I am was 3 cm and thinned out. We were having her that night. I was excited, especially since they told me that they had called my doctor and that he was going to come to deliver her. After 4 tries they finally got my I.v. in and I was walked back into surgery and waited what felt like hours for her cries. At 8:56, 10/11/12 she let out her first small cry, at least compared to her sister ;) I was surprised that I was just as emotional if not more this time to have brought another beautiful daughter into the world. 6 pounds and 15 oz. 20 inches long. Looked just like her big sister. We got to spend the first night totally alone with our little Ruby since we wanted Lucy to be the first one to meet her and she had gone to bed by the time she was born. I think that it tortured the rest of my family, but it was so awesome to spend time alone with her. The next morning Lucy came in and was the first to see her new best friend and it was amazing. her