Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!

Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!
We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What we did today

I think that this is a great place to journal what fun things we do each day. I mean after all when you get the privilege of staying home with your children you should be able to come up with at least one fun activity a day.
So today we went to toddler story time at our local library. Lucy was pretty shy at first, just watching and taking it all in. Then after the first story they sang the head, shoulders, knees, and toes song and she decided that it was okay to have fun. After all of the stories they had some foam blocks we built with and Lucy learned triangle today. :)
The other fun thing we did was play in shaving cream. This is such a fun, and entertaining, textural experience for anyone really. Especially for a toddler. She ram her hands through and through it and started to tell me she was making animals. Those experiences may seem small and trivial, but Lucy learned today and that is something that should always be exciting. If its not than as a teacher and parent we're doing it wrong.
Until tomorrow! Amanda