Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!

Daniel, Amanda, Lucy, and baby!
We're the 3 best friends that anyone could have

Monday, December 21, 2009

Yearly Christmas Letter

So Daniel and I are going to post each day about what happened each month for the year 2009. Trust me your going to want to know what happened in this terrible and terrific year. I'm sure that there will be some shocks and surprises! So todays blog is about what happened in January 2009.

January started out as a fresh start for me as I decided to quit my management job and go back to school full time. I decided that I wanted to go to school for Early Childhood Education in hopes of becoming a preschool teacher. I started my degree in January and immediately knew that this was what I was wanting to do with my life. I ended the term with straight A's, well and a B, but that was in writting :)

So even though January wasn't very exciting check out tomorrows post about February!